First entry in forever! yayyyy. Something I wrote to my servant team regarding humility
this world. You can never proclaim it, nor can you ever achieve it
through works. The minute you proclaim your humility, you've
ultimately nullified your statement because the statement in itself is
not a true reflection of humility. No one in this world could ever
proclaim that they are humble, because once they do, they've just
become prideful. Instead, it's a change of heart and attitude. It's
looking at the reflection of Christ and His 33 years of perfect
humility to the Father in this prideful and sinful world, and being
utterly amazed that we can never in our greatest efforts or strength,
be as humble as our great Lord Jesus. Reflecting on Christ's life and
His humility, is humbling in it of itself. So let us not beat up
ourselves to obtain this humility. But rather, let us rely on the
Spirit daily to conform us more and more to the likeliness of Christ,
let us daily examine intently to the life of Christ, and let us look
to God and understand that "He mocks proud mockers gives grace to
humble." (Proverbs 3:34) No other religion seeks to achieve humility,
but our God is the most humble King of all. He is the GREAT I AM, the
King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End
but He humbled Himself to become like man and became obedient to
death, even death on a cross.
Christlikeness begins and ends with humility!!
Reflect on the wonders of the cross of Christ! Humility truly is a
natural ORGANIC response to the close examination of Christ's
obedience and our sinfulness and how God imputed onto us Christ's
perfect obedience and righteousness!
Even as I write this, I can't help but sense the pride of it all. How
humble our Father truly is that He would use someone as prideful as
me. Crazy! Just wanted to encourage you guys with that. Hope that
helps you guys in anyway!
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